Surveys and Statistical Studies (261196)

Learning Outcomes

The main aim of this curricular unit is related to the development of skills in the description and analysis of current social, economic and political issues, based on surveys. It is expected to provide students with knowledge about methods and techniques for carrying out statistical studies, as well as the interpretation of results and their correct communication.

Study Program

1)    Survey concept evolution 
    a.    Survey as a research methodology
    b.    Take part in surveys
2)    Survey process 
    a.    Problem 
    b.    Objectives/aims
    c.    Enquiry data acquisition 
    d.    Population/sample
    e.    Explain accuracy and confidence constraints
    f.    Time and budget limitations 
    g.    Time table
3)    Steps for conducting a survey
    a.    Designing of the questionnaire
    b.    Sampling plan
        i.    Sampling techniques
        ii.    Probability sampling or random
        iii.    Non-probability sampling
    c.    Fieldwork
    d.    Data preparation
    e.    data analysis
    f.    Writing the final report
    g.    Results communication 
4)    The construction of a questionnaire
    a.    the questions
    b.    answers
5)    Portuguese survey legislation



Garcia, R, Rosa, M., Barbosa, L. (2017). Que número é este? Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. 
Martinez, L. e Ferreira, A. (2007). Análise de dados com o SPSS – primeiros passos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.