Theories of Mediatic Communication (261185)

Learning Outcomes

•    Identify the main problems facing communication;
•    Recognize the agents and communication models of current media;
•    Describe the classic theories of media and communication;
•    To problematize the assumptions and effects of mass communication;
•    Understand the implications of “gatekeeper” theorie;
•    Analyse on the impact of technologies on communicative processes;
•    Understand the meaning of "network society";
•    Reflect on audiences e users: exposure and algorithms;
•    Analyze the relationship between literacy and citizenship.

Study Program

•    Current media ecosystem;
•    Communication difficulties in an anthropological sense;
•    Historical background of the scientific approach to communication;
•    Communication theories: from hypodermic to critical theory, from “Agenda setting” to “gate keeper”;
•    Striking perspectives of communication: when the medium was the message;
•    Media as constructors of reality;
•    Impact of technology on everyday communication;
•    Network society and new communities;
•    Virtuality and reality: a complex relationship;
•    Media and users, between manipulation and freedom;
•    Media literacy and citizenship.



Castells, Manuel (2016), “Sociedade em rede”, Volume 1, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
McQuail, Denis (2003), “Teoria da Comunicação de Massas”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 
Monteiro, Ana Cristina et al (2012), “Fundamentos da Comunicação”, Edições Sílabo
Potter, James, W.(2013), “Media Literacy”, Sage Publications 
Wolf, Mauro (1987), “Teorias da Comunicação”, Editorial Presença