Video Production (261250)

Learning Outcomes

* Understanding video production.
* Being able to have ideas for short video works.
* Form teams.
* Mastering the equipment to a level of basic functions.
* Mastering the videographic language in order to communicate ideas accurately.

Study Program

-    The professions in the video production industry
-    The process of production
-    Production Teams
-    From Pre-Production to Post Production
-    The camcorder (elements and operation)
-    Composition of images (field vectors, psychological effects)
-    The language of the plans. Scale. Designations
-    Camera movements: optical and mechanical



Dancyger, K., & Coutinho, A. (2013). The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History Theory and Practice. Oxford: Focal Press.
Katz, S. (1991). Shot by Shot Michigan Braun - Brumfield. 
Millerson, G. (2009). Television Production Thirteenth Edition Oxford: Focal Press.
Pato, L. M. (2012). Técnicas de Produção Televisiva na Migração para o Digital. Coimbra: Gracio Editor.