Projetos Nacionais e Internacionais cujas Equipas Integram Docentes do ISMT
1. Fundamentos históricos e teóricos do Serviço Social em Portugal e no Brasil: antecedentes, memória e desafios contemporâneos (1970 / 2020) [Historical and theoretical foundations of Social Work in Portugal and Brazil: Background, memory and contemporary challenges (1970 / 2020) (PI ISMT: Maria Rosa Tomé; 2023), financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa / Minas Gerais (CHE APQ 01834/22) – sub projeto da investigação em rede Serviço Social na História [Social work in the History]. Financiado com recursos no edital CNPq/ MCTI N. 10/ 2023 - Universal. Faixa B – grupos consolidados. Integra 90 investigadores de países europeus (Portugal, Espanha e Reino Unido) e da América Latina (Brasil, Uruguai, Argentina, Colômbia e Chile).
2. Cultivating Compassionate Schools: The effects of an evidence-basedcompassion mind training program for teachers on psychological,biophysiological and epigenetic correlates of wellbeing,prosociality and stress /(PI: Marcela Matos; CINEICC-FPCEUC ). (Ref.A-37626).
3. Fertility Awareness (2021-2024). Steering Committee Member of theFertility Awareness Project. Fertility Europe & European Society forHuman Reproduction and Embriology/. (Chair da Fertility Europe:Klaudija Kordic).
4. Mind programme for cancer patients: A randomized controlled trialtesting the programme´s cost-effectiveness and efficacy in changingpsychological and biological outcomes in women with breast cancer(2021-2023)/. (PI: Inês Trindade; CINEICC-FPCEUC ).
5. MyJourney - 10 steps to build acceptance of your unfulfilled wishfor children (2019-2021). School of Psychology Cardiff Universityand Associação Portuguesa de Fertilidade /(PI: Sofia Gameiro;CINEICC-FPCEUC ).
6. LIFEwithIBD - Living with Intention, Fullness and Engagement withInflammatory Bowel Disease: The impact of a group intervention andan ICT-based transcultural intervention on physical and mentalhealth (2018-2021); CINEICC-FPCEUC, Projeto I&D (FCT). (PI: CláudiaFerreira).
7. Compassionate Schools: Development and efficacy study of acompassion-based intervention to promote teachers and children’swellbeing (2018-2021). /CINEICC-FPCEUC, Compassionate MindFoundation. (PI: Marcela Matos; CINEICC-FPCEUC )
2. Cultivating Compassionate Schools: The effects of an evidence-basedcompassion mind training program for teachers on psychological,biophysiological and epigenetic correlates of wellbeing,prosociality and stress /(PI: Marcela Matos; CINEICC-FPCEUC ). (Ref.A-37626).
3. Fertility Awareness (2021-2024). Steering Committee Member of theFertility Awareness Project. Fertility Europe & European Society forHuman Reproduction and Embriology/. (Chair da Fertility Europe:Klaudija Kordic).
4. Mind programme for cancer patients: A randomized controlled trialtesting the programme´s cost-effectiveness and efficacy in changingpsychological and biological outcomes in women with breast cancer(2021-2023)/. (PI: Inês Trindade; CINEICC-FPCEUC ).
5. MyJourney - 10 steps to build acceptance of your unfulfilled wishfor children (2019-2021). School of Psychology Cardiff Universityand Associação Portuguesa de Fertilidade /(PI: Sofia Gameiro;CINEICC-FPCEUC ).
6. LIFEwithIBD - Living with Intention, Fullness and Engagement withInflammatory Bowel Disease: The impact of a group intervention andan ICT-based transcultural intervention on physical and mentalhealth (2018-2021); CINEICC-FPCEUC, Projeto I&D (FCT). (PI: CláudiaFerreira).
7. Compassionate Schools: Development and efficacy study of acompassion-based intervention to promote teachers and children’swellbeing (2018-2021). /CINEICC-FPCEUC, Compassionate MindFoundation. (PI: Marcela Matos; CINEICC-FPCEUC )