Sistemas de Informação de Apoio à Decisão



Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management, Michael Berry e Gordon Linoff, Wiley & Sons, 2ªEd., 2004 
Data Miningu – Practical Maniche Learning Tools and Techniques, 2nd Ed., Ian Witten & Eibe Frank, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005
Sistemas de Suporte à Decisão, Bruno Cortes, FCA, 2005 


Business Intelligence, Maribel Yasmina Santos e Isabel Ramos, FCA, 2ªEd. 2009.
Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques, Jiawei Jan e Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kaufman, 2nd Ed., 2006.
Information Technology for Management – Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, Turban, E. et al, Wiley & Sons, 4ª Ed. 2004.