Instituto Superior Miguel Torga participates in the European initiative 'Eurograduate Survey 22'
Instituto Superior Miguel Torga participates in the European initiative 'Eurograduate Survey 22'
The Eurograduate Survey 22 is a European initiative to implement a pilot survey of graduates at European level.
The Eurograduate Survey 22 is a European initiative to implement a pilot survey of graduates at European level. This initiative aims to map the impact that the experiences of European higher education graduates have had on their professional lives and on their lives as European citizens. We want to know how satisfied the graduates are with their studies, how they lived this period, if they had experiences abroad and what they did after their course. Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, along with other Portuguese Higher Education Institutions, joined this initiative! The Eurograduate Survey 22 is aimed at 2016/2017 and 2020/2021 graduates of 1st cycle and 2nd cycle courses.
Each graduate of Instituto Superior Miguel Torga in those years will receive a link by email with an invitation to fill out the survey. The survey is coordinated by the General Directorate of Statistics for Education and Science (DGEEC), and its anonymity is guaranteed. However, only with the committed and conscious participation of graduates can we do more and better, in order to take the necessary actions for the continuous improvement of teaching and learning in Higher Education. Participate! Your contribution is essential!
To learn more about this initiative see