Advertising Theories (261161)

Learning Outcomes

Advertising is an important variable in the definition of the overall strategy of any organization, being so a conditioning factor of competitiveness and business success.

The Unit of Advertising Theories covers in a objective and sustained way a generalist vision on the world of advertising.

The main goal is to highlight the ideological and technical mediations of the advertising system, and that the students understand them.Students should be able to comment on any advertising artifact, as well as produce them according to the communication objectives.

Study Program

1 - Media and Advertising;

1.1 - Brief Historical Analysis;

2 - Advertising as a Concept: Some Reflections;

3 - Theories of Perception and Attention;

4 - Theories of Persuasion;

5 - Description of the Advertising System;

5.1 - The Advertiser;

5.2 - The Agency;

5.3 - Advertising Campaigns;

5.4 - Resources and Media;

6 - Types of Advertising

7 - Assessment Systems.



Dossier com materiais de estudo no moodle.
Referência de revistas científicas/artigos e sítios na página da UC no moodle.

RODRIGUES, J. V. (2004), Mercator XXI. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote

VILLAFANE, J. (1998), Imagem Positiva – gestão estratégica da imagem das empresas: Edições Sílabo, LDA.: Lisboa

RODRIGUES, J. V. (2004), Mercator XXI. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote

BROCHAND, Bernard et all (1993). Publicitor. Lisboa, Dom Quixote (1999).

CHAVES, N (1990) La imagem corporativa: Teoria y Metodologia de la identificación Institucional, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona

BASSAT, Luis(2011). El Libro Rojo de la Publicidad. Barcelona, Random House Mondadori.

BRIERLEY, Sean (1995). The Advertising Handbook. Londres, Routledge.

CAETANO, Joaquim; Rui Estrela (2004). Introdução à Publicidade. Porto, IPAM.

LENCASTRE, Paulo de(2011). Como Anda a Publicidade… em Portugal. In Como Anda a Publicidade? Porque Pesquisar faz Bem. São Paulo.

KITCHEN, F. (1999) Marketing Communications: Principles and Practice. Thompson Learning.

MORGAN, G (2006) Imagens da organização, Editora Atlas, São Paulo.
RAMOS F(2002) La comunicación corporativa e institucional: de la imagen al protocolo. Universitas, 2002, Madrid.