Community and Network Intervention (241135)

Learning Outcomes

1) To frame the community intervention, networking and network intervention as methodologies in social work.
2) To analyze and discuss the trend towards territorialization in social policies and their implications for community intervention.
3) To analyze the governance processes, organization, cooperation and work (network) of community agents.
4) To know and to analyze the community social diagnosis processes.
5) To know methodologies and strategies of Social Work in Community intervention for local development and citizenship.
6) To know and to operationalize instruments for mapping primary and secondary networks.
7) To know network intervention models aimed at the activation of social support, empowerment and community action.

Study Program

I - Community Intervention
1. The territorial social policies
Community, Territory, Social Development, Local Development. Local governance. Potentials and constraints of territorialization.
The Programme "Social Network” in Portugal.
The Local Network of Social Intervention (RLIS).
2. Community social diagnosis
Identifying needs and community social problems. Analysis local council social diagnostics. The comparative dimension of social diagnosis compared to other territories.
3. Community Intervention and citizenship
Participation, collective empowerment and social emancipation. Participatory community experiences. Intervention trough the arts.
II – Network intervention
4. Social Networks
Concepts and social network typologies
5. Community social actors: networking
Mapping the secondary / institutional network.
The partnership. Type of partnerships and typical structures. Secondary networks and solidarity collaborative networks. Networking. Potentials and constraints of partnerships and networking.
6. The diagnosis of primary networks focused on social support -
structural, functional and relational-contextual dimensions.
7. Mapping instruments and assessment of the primary network.
Network maps, eco-map, and other mapping tools. Evaluation, registration and planning of intervention
8. Social intervention in Primary Network
Network Intervention Models: creating and enhance the network. The model of the network effect by Speck, Attneave & Rueveni. The socio-political model by Mony Elkaim. The mixed model of Dumoulin & Dumont.



Guadalupe, S. (2016). Intervenção em rede. Serviço social, sistémica e redes de suporte social (2.ª edição). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade.
Dumoulin, P., Dumont, R., Bross, N, Masclet, G. (2004). Travailler en reseaux. Méthodes et pratiques en intervention sociale. Paris: Dunot.
García, T.F. & Peláez, A.L. (2008). Trabajo social comunitario: afrontando juntos los desafios del siglo XXI. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Monteiro, A. A. & Ribeiro, F.B. (org.) (2008). Redes Sociais – Experiências, políticas e perspectivas. Ribeirão: Edições Humus.