Computer Architecture (271003)
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the fundamental principles of the binary worlds, data representation and digital electronic circuits.
- Acquire detail knowledge about the design and operation of the basic blocks of computer architecture, namely processor, memories, buses, and external interfaces.
- Consolidate knowledge about the hardware and how it interacts with software.
- Analyzes system performance and technological trends to take the right decisions in their implementation in organizations.
- Explain the implications of the “power wall” and understands the importance of parallelism in modern computing.
- Understand and execute low level programming trough a pedagogic simulator.
Study Program
- Introduction
- An historical perspective
- von Neumann architecture
- Basic components of a computer
- Binary world
- Digital electronic circuits
- Boolean algebra
- Combinatory and sequential circuits
- Representation of data
- Computer arithmetic
- How computer works
- Processor: data unit and control unit
- Introduction to the assembly language
- Assembly programing
- The cycle of program development
- Addressing
- Data, declarations and directives
- Instructions
- Routines (structure, call and return mechanisms, piles)
- System architecture, performance, and reliability
- Memory system organization. Discs, networks and other interfacing peripherals to the computer
- Parallel computing: Flynn taxonomy and Amdahl law
- Evaluation of processor performance
- Reliability and availability; scalability
- Technological trends in the world of computers
- “Power wall”; Performance improvement of computer components; embedded computing. Sustainability issues
- Practicing with an educational simulator (PEPE)
José Delgado e Carlos Ribeiro, Arquitetura de Computadores, 5ª Edição, FCA, 2014 (biblioteca)
David M. Harris, Sarah L. Harris -Digital Design and Computer Architecture, 2nd edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 2013 (biblioteca)
David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware and Software Interface, 5th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 2014 (biblioteca, 3rd edition rev, 2007)
L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 6th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2019 (biblioteca 4th edition, 2007)