Contemporary Families and Social Intervention (241137)
Learning Outcomes
1. Conceptualize the family diversity;2. To discuss the family diversity: challenges and myths surrounding the contemporary families;
3. Establish a systematic conceptual framework that allows the evaluation and understanding of the family system and its intersystem relations;
4. Ability to equate the intervention in the relational domain;
5. Know and analyze models, strategies and tools involved in assisting families;
6. Knowledge of systemic intervention techniques with families.
7. Conceptualizing the problem of family violence, risk and social risk in the family context and address gender issues in the family.
8. Approach to the professional insertion contexts of Social Work in working with families.
Study Program
1. Families1.1. Family Concepts.
1.2. The diversity of the family system and gender.
1.3. Family ties in question?
1.4. Conjugality and parenting.
2. The family in today's society
2.1. Demographic portraits of families in Portugal.
2.2. Families and informal social provision.
2.3. The family as a social reproduction system.
3. The family as a system.
3.1. Conceptual framework in a systemic perspective.
4. The evaluation of the Family System
4.1. The family evaluation in Social Work: central issues and problems in different contexts.
4.2. Space and time in the family system.
4.3. The family structure.
4.4. The genogram, the family map and the eco-map.
4.5. Communication within the family system: the axioms of Pragmatics of Human Communication.
4.6. Evaluation of communication distortions. The meta communication.
4.7. The life cycle of the family and its implications.
5. Risk and social distress in the family system.
5.1. Brief approach to psychopathology in the family system.
5.2. The main issues of risk and danger in contemporary families: family violence and gender violence.
6. The evaluation report in Social Work.
7. The social Intervention with families
7.1. The interview, reframing and positive connotation: the narrative construction of change.
7.2. Intervention techniques from an "integrative model" in a systemic perspective.
8. The case of intervention with "multi" families.
8.1. Challenges of social intervention with families said “multi problematic”, “multi-assisted” and “multi-challenged”.
MAIN REFERENCESAlarcão, M. (2000). (Des)Equilíbrios Familiares. Coimbra: Quarteto.
Leandro, M.E. (coord.). Laços familiares e sociais. Viseu: Psicosoma.