Contexts of Professional Intervention (241166)
Learning Outcomes
1. Acquiring knowledge and professional skills through interaction with social workers, institutions and other professional intervention contexts.2. Socialize students with social, institutional and professional reality
3. To promote student participation in social intervention projects that are in progress.
4. Skills training (observation, analysis, methodological, reflective of professional action).
Study Program
1. Types and professional intervention contexts (institutions, sectors,target groups, territories and scopes) of Social Work.
2. The legal framework, functional and organizational of Social Workers.
3. Regulations; instruments and practices.
4. Guides and manuals for professional intervention.
5. Paradigms and dilemmas of professional intervention (ethicaldeontological, cultural, religious, methodological, professional).
MAIN REFERENCESAmaro, M. I. (2012). Urgências e emergências do Serviço Social: Fundamentos da profissão na contemporaneidade. Lisboa: Universidade Católica.
Carvalho, M. I.; Pinto, C. (Coord.) (2014). Serviço Social: Teorias e Práticas. Lisboa: Pactor.
Sousa, C. T. (2008) A prática do assistente social: conhecimento, instrumentalidade e intervenção profissional, Emancipação, 8(1): 119- 132.
Viscarret, J. J. (2011). Modelos y métodos de intervención en Trabajo Social (1ª ed. 2007). Madrid. Alianza Editorial.