Digital Advertising (261174)

Learning Outcomes

After complete the curricular unit students should be able to:
-    Understand the importance of digital channels as a mechanism to the delivery of messages;
-    Understand the importance of the Internet as a way to stimulate the demand of products and services;
-    Identify and know how to use the different digital communication tools;
-    Elaborate/Structure a digital advertising campaign.

Study Program

1.    Introduction to the thematic of digital advertising
    1.1.    General considerations about advertising
    1.2.    The concept of digital marketing
    1.3.    Ethics and legality of the digital campaigns
    1.4.    Examples of digital advertising
    1.5.    The internal communication
2.    Main Digital Advertising Tools
    2.1.    Main digital advertising supports (Websites, Blog, Social Networks, Newsletters)
    2.2.    Articulation between the digital advertising supports
    2.3.    Practical examples
    2.4.    Investment in the digital (Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Google AdSense, Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimization)
    2.5.    Other digital tools
    2.6.    Practical examples
3.    Online Advertising Campaign
    3.1.    Steps of the elaboration of a digital campaign
    3.2.    The scope of a campaign according to the marketing strategy



Adolpho, C. (2012). Os 8Ps do Marketing Digital. Lisboa: Editora Texto
Carrera, F. (2012). Marketing Digital 2.0. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo
Lindon, D., Lendrevie, J., Dionisio, P. e Rodrigues, V. (2011), Mercator XXI - Teoria e Prática do Marketing, Dom Quixote, Lisboa
Marques, V. (2018). MKT Digital 360. Actual.