Distributed Systems and the Internet of Things (271154)
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to the distributed systems and the state of the art distributed and parallel programming. Be able to evaluate the applications distributed requirements and create specification and plan of their implementation or acquisition. Implement simple distributed application using JAVA and Web Services. Introduction to the relevant concepts of Internet of Things. Analyze and test wireless sensor networks using simulators. Design, develop, and test, in a lab project context, a realistic system for the Internet of Things.
Study Program
Theoretical program
- Introduction to Distributed Systems
- Distributed Architectures: Styles, Middleware Organization, System Architecture
- Communications: Protocols, Sockets,
- Distributed protocols, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Message-oriented Communication, Multicast
- Naming in Distributed Systems: Name spaces, Name resolution, DNS, Directory Services
- Web-based Applications. Models 2-tier, 3-tier and N-tier.
- Web-services Technologies
- Introduction to Internet of Things
- IoT definitions: overview, applications, potential and challenges, and performance measures
- IoT examples: Case studies;
- IoT related technologies: Cloud computing;
- IoT networks and communication technologies;
- IoT standardization;
- IoT data management;
- IoT security, privacy and trust.
Practical program
- Distributed systems programming in JAVA;
- Web Services Programming;
- Lab projects with implementation of practical projects related to the IoT
Tanenbaum, A., S., Steen, M., Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, 3,01
Ed, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017. ISBN-13: 978-15-430573-8-6
Cardoso, Jorge, Programação de Sistemas Distribuídos em Java, FCA, 2008. ISBN 978-972-722-601-6
Coelho, Pedro, Internet das Coisas, Introdução Prática, FCA, 2017. ISBN: 978-972-722-849-2
Sá Silva, J, Silva, R., Boavida, F., Redes de Sensores sem Fios, FCA, 2016. ISBN;978-972-722-830-0