Education, Labor and Social Work (241159)
Learning Outcomes
(1) Understanding the different conceptions and "modes of production" of public education and work/employment policies and their evolution in recent decades;(2) Understanding of national and international contexts, which have influenced the reconfiguration of education and work/employment policies, in particular the European context;
(3) Knowledge about the evolution of educational, labor and unemployment policies, in the light of the reform of the state model;
(4) Knowledge and analysis of the modes of regulation of public policies of Education, Labor and Employment;
(5) Knowledge of the relationship between the different levels of decision making and political action;
(6) Collect, select and interpret relevant information in the sectoral areas of education and (un)employment for the intervention of the Social Worker in specific realities.
Study Program
Part I – Education1. Sociological Approaches to Education.
2. Educational policies in Portugal.
2.1. Education / training policy - legal framework. The Portuguese education system, organizational structures.
2.2. Formal, non-formal and informal education.
2.3. Absenteeism and school dropout and the processes of social inclusion / exclusion.
3. Social Work and Education Policy. Competences and attributions.
3.1. Dimensions of professional insertion in education. (Measures, programs, projects);
3.2. Professional intervention.
4. Social Work in vocational training and (re) qualification: intervention areas and methodologies; functions and competences.
Part II – Labor and Employment
1. Employment and Work vs Unemployment and Exclusion. Importance and meaning of work in the inclusion / exclusion processes.
2. Social Policy and Employment Policies.
2.1. - The European context: - main landmarks; - axes and European strategy.
2.2. - The national context: - organizational structures and strategies (PNE; PNAI);
2.2.1. I.E.F.P: Purposes, organic and functioning.
3. Social work in a business context: from the 60's to the present - its context, attributions, competences and challenges. The Social Responsibility of Organizations (RSO) and Social Action of the Company
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