Entrepreneurship and Innovation (261180)
Learning Outcomes
* Contextualize the historical development of entrepreneurship and innovation.* Understand the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in the Portuguese social and economic context.
* Identify the different types of entrepreneurship and innovation.
* Identify mechanisms to support structures and facilitating the creation of new businesses.
* Identify the potential competitive advantages of an innovative business idea
Study Program
* Concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation* Historical background
* Entrepreneurial behavior characteristics
* Entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship
* Technology and innovation
* Types innovation
* Entrepreneurship and innovation
* Startups
MAIN REFERENCES:Bessant, J. & Tidd, J. (2009). Inovação e Empreendedorismo. Porto Alegre: Bookman.
Hisrich, R.; Peters, M. & Shepherd, D. (2012). Entrepreneurship. Boston: McGraw-Hill.