Ethics for Social Work (241134)
Learning Outcomes
To contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and practices that allow autonomously, rigorous and supervised the development of reflection skills and analysis on: the assumptions that underlie determination of an ethical professional nature; the determination of the principles and values of the Ethical Code of Social Work as indicators of social direction of the profession; the different perspectives of professional ethics in the Social Work, in order to provide a basis for reflection about its theoretical, practical and organizational reasons. Apprehend the various opportunities that the ethical dimension tints in their professional project demonstrations. Assess the implications of ethics in determining of the professional competences.Study Program
Introductory part:Why study professional ethics - his "philosophical basis" and the need for critical attitude
I - Analysis and delimitation of concepts: ethics, morals and deontology
1. Foundations of ethics and morals
2. The Basis of a Code of Professional Ethics
3. Ethics in Social Work: statement of principles;
4. Ethics & Human Rights: a commitment to Social Work
II - Social Work: contemporary perspectives of professional ethics - authors
1. Sarah Banks - UK;
2. Frederic Reamer - USA;
3. Lúcia Barroco - Brazil.
III - Theoretical, practical and normative dimensions of ethics at the level of professional projects.
1. The rescue of the Ethics in the Professional Projects - assumptions determinants of the Professional ethics in the Social Service.
2. Ethics and Professional Competence
3. Professional Ethics in the context of the Portuguese Social Service - issues under debate.
MAIN REFERENCES:BANKS, Sarah (2001) “Ética em Fragmentos”, In: Mouro, H.& Simões, D. (ogr.). 100 Anos de Serviço Social. Coimbra: Quarteto (101-124).
BARROCO, M. Lúcia (2001). “Os Fundamentos Sóciohistóricos da Ética”, In: Serviço Social, Ética, Deontologia & Projectos Profissionais. Lisboa/Madrid/S. Paulo: CPIHTS, Veras, ICSA (pp: 31-47).
CASTRO, Rosa da Primavera (2003), “Ética e Política Social: o lado (in) visível da Globalização”, In: Henriquez, B. Alfredo; Farinha, M. André (orgs), Serviço Social: Unidade na Diversidade. Actas do 1º Congresso Nacional de Serviço Social. Aveiro, Maio 2002. Lisboa: APSS (pp: 131-137).
NETTO, J. Paulo (2001), “A Construção do Projecto Ético- Político do Serviço Social frente à Crise Contemporânea” In: Serviço Social, Ética, Deontologia & Projectos Profissionais. Lisboa/Madrid/S. Paulo: CPIHTS, Veras, ICSA (pp: 11-29).
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