International Marketing (261169)

Learning Outcomes

After complete the curricular unit students should be able to:

  • Understand the macro-environmental surroundings in which the organization operates, considering the specificities of the local and global contexts;
  • Understand the motivations of the internationalization and analyze international opportunities;
  • Understand and use the marketing concepts, strategies and practices in the international competitive environment;
Reflect about the international marketing decisions.

Study Program

I. Fundamentals of International Marketing

    1. Globalization - associated concepts
    2. Global Marketing and Internationalization
    3. Evolution of the global marketing
    4. Objectives and constraints of international marketing
    5. Catalysts of the global integration
    6. Global marketing strategy
    7. Exemplificative cases

II. Internationalization

    1. Concept, motivations
    2. Internationalization decisions
    3. Advantages of internationalization
    4. Barriers/risks of the internationalization
    5. Main theories
    6. Modalities of internationalization
    7. Examples of internationalization

III. Planning of Marketing Variables in the International Context

    1. Main variables of analysis and their articulation and adaptation
    2. Variable product
    3. Variable price
    4. Variable promotion
    5. Variable distribution

IV. Communication and organization methods in international marketing

    1. Communication in international activities
    2. The Incoterms - International Commerce Term






Cateora, P., Gilly, M. & Graham, J. (2013). Marketing Internacional (15ª Ed.). Rio de Janeiro: McGraw-Hill/Bookman

Hollensen, S. (2017). Global Marketing, (7thEd.), Prentice-Hall Financial Times.

Teixeira, S. (2022). Gestão das organizações (4ª Ed.), Escolar Editora, Portugal.

Silva, S.C., Menezes, R. e Pinho, J.C. (2018). Marketing Internacional – Negócios à Escala Global. Actual: Coimbra.

Viana, C., & Hortinha, J. (2009). Marketing Internacional (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo







Brito, C. & Lencastre, P. (2014). Novos Horizontes do Marketing, Lisboa: Edições D. Quixote.

Freire, A. (1998). Internacionalização – Desafios para Portugal, Verbo Editora, (1ªEd.), Lisboa.

Green M.C. & Keegan, W.J. (2020). Global Marketing (10thEd.), Prentice-hall Europe.

Robbins, S.P. & Coulter, M. (2021). Management (15thEd.), Pearson.

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