
Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an intrapreneurial mindset: Cultivate an innovative and proactive mindset in students, capable of identifying improvement and innovation opportunities within existing organizations.


  • Understand business models: Provide a comprehensive understanding of different business models and how they can be applied or adapted to promote internal


  • Foster management and leadership skills: Develop essential skills in project management, team leadership, and effective communication, crucial for the success of intrapreneurial initiatives.


  • Promote knowledge in strategy and operations: Offer insights into business strategies, operations, and change management, empowering students to implement new ideas efficiently and sustainably.


Encourage practical application: Encourage the application of theoretical concepts in real contexts through case studies, practical projects, and simulations, preparing students for authentic intrapreneurial challenges.

Study Program

Unit 1: Introduction to Intrapreneurship

  • Concepts of intrapreneurship entrepreneurship
  • Importance of intrapreneurship for organizational innovation
  • The role of the intrapreneur within companies


Unit 2: Culture and Innovation Strategy

  • Organizational culture conducive to innovation
  • Strategies to promote intrapreneurship
  • Barriers to intrapreneurship and how to overcome them


Unit 3: Business Models

  • Overview of the most known business models
  • Case study analysis of the application of these models in intrapreneurial contexts
  • Tools and techniques for developing business models


Unit 4: Development and Validation of Ideas

  • Creativity techniques and idea generation
  • Idea validation methods (MVPs, market research, prototyping)
  • Iterative feedback and concept adjustments


Unit 5: Financing Intrapreneurial Projects

  • Internal and external funding sources
    • Preparation of financing proposals
    • Financial evaluation of innovation projects
    • Success indicators and return on investment (ROI)


Unit 6: Implementation and Management of Innovative Projects

  • Management of intrapreneurial projects
  • Effective communication and stakeholder management
  • Scalability and integration of innovative projects into company operations


Unit 7: Technology and Digital Innovation

  • The role of technology in enabling and scaling intrapreneurial innovations
  • Trends in digital technology (such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things) and how they can be applied to create new business solutions within organizations
  • Strategies for digitalizing processes and products


Unit 8: Sustainability and Social Innovation

  • Incorporating principles of sustainability and social impact into intrapreneurship
  • Development of projects that align profit and purpose
  • Success cases of social and environmental innovations within large organizations


Unit 9: Leadership and Management of Innovative Teams

  • Development of leadership skills for intrapreneurs
  • Management of multidisciplinary teams and fostering of interdepartmental collaboration
  • Techniques to overcome internal resistances and promote a culture of innovation


Unit 10: Measuring and Evaluating the Impact of Innovation

  • Methods and tools for measuring the impact and success of intrapreneurship initiatives
  • Definition and monitoring of relevant KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Evaluation of the cultural and financial impact of innovations on organizational performance





Morris,M.,Kuratko, D. &Covin, J. (2020). Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation-4thEdition, Red Globe Press. 2020
Kawasaki, G. (2015). Art Of The Start 2.0.Penguin Books LTD Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2009). Business Model Generation,
Publicacoes Dom Quixote, Lda
Robbins, S. & Tomothy, J. (2021). Essentials of Organizational Behaviour.Pearson, 2008





Pereira, L., Costa, R. & António, N. (2020). Projeto Empresarial – A arte de criação de valor, Actual.

Saraiva, P. (2011). Empreendedorismo. Imprensa Universidade Coimbra