Journalistic Styles and Genres (261183)

Learning Outcomes

It is a curricular unit aimed at learning the different narratives of journalistic expression and the respective textual techniques. Understand the notions of information, interpretation and opinion as operational concepts in the configuration of journalistic practice; to know different conceptualizations of styles according to the editorial lines; master the textual practices of some informational genres, such as the news, the short story and the interview, collecting and selecting information, defining the angle of approach and understanding journalism as a social field mediation between information sources, journalists and audiences; understand the organization of the newsroom and the function of all elements constituents of it, are the central objectives of this discipline.

Study Program

  1. The role of the media in society
  2. The organization of the Drafting
  3. It the event media
    1. Nature of events
    2. The main actors of the event
    3. The types and nature of events
  4. Factors determining the newsworthiness: Criteria value - news
    1. Objectivity vs. Subjectivity
  5. The information production process: From Newsmaking to Gatekeeping
    1. the editorial line
  6. The sources and types of information;
  7. informative journalistic genres - the various information dissemination media
    1. o lead, techniques and construction rules:
    2. news, reportage and interview - definition, types and techniques.
  8. journalistic genres of opinion:
    1. chronic, the column, the opinion article and editorial comment
  9. The writing accuracy and the use of language-style
  10. The functions of graphical enhancement elements of the news:
  11. Photojournalism and cartoonismo.


ALSINA, Miquel Rodrigo (1996), La Construcción de la noticia, Barcelona, Paidós.
CORNU, Daniel (1994), Jornalismo e Verdade. Para uma Ética da Informação, Trad. Portuguesa PEREIRA, Silva Armando, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget.
FONTCUBERTA, Mar de (1999), A notícia, Lisboa, Ed. Notícias.
RICARDO, Daniel (2003), Ainda bem que me perguntam. Manual de escrita jornalística, Lisboa, Ed. Notícias.
SANTOS, Rogério (2003), Jornalistas e Fontes de Informação, Coimbra, Ed. Minerva.
TRAQUINA, Nelson (org.) (1993), Jornalismo: Questões, Teorias e Estórias, Lisboa, Veja.