Marketing of Political Organizations and the Social Economy (261171)

Learning Outcomes

After complete the curricular unit students should be able to:

  1. Applying marketing management in social and political
  2. Understanding the difference betweek social and political marketing and comercial marketing.
  3. Understanding the applicability of marketing in emerging
  4. Understanding the role of communication on the functioning of political
  5. Understanding political speech as a structured instrument to seduce the public - voter.
  6. Creating a campaign for a political and social
  7. Understanding the impact of the digital revolution on political
  8. Reflecting on the importance of image on the voter’s choice.

Study Program

  1. Social and political organizations
    • General concepts of Organization
    • The third sector
    • Nonprofit organizations
    • Legal Framework
    • Definition of needs, objectives and target of the organizations
  2. Organization´s marketing
    • General marketing concepts
    • Definition of the marketing-mix in the organizations
    • Marketing applied to the third sector organizations
    • Fundraising campaigns
  3. Marketing of the political institutions
    • Political communication - political system, political discourse, image
    • Political marketing - concepts, evolution, objectives, instruments and information systems, implementation
    • Electoral marketing/campaigns - concepts, evolution, objectives, instruments, strategies and specificities




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Proença, J. (2008). Marketing de Serviços Públicos. Lisboa: Escolar

Zenone, L. (2006). Marketing Social. São Paulo: Thomson Learning



Caetano, J., Gravelho, M.C. & Simões, M.M., (2012). Marketing Político – Poder e Imagem, Lisboa: Escolar Editora

Domenach, J. M., (1975). A Propaganda Política, Bertrand, Lisboa

Fontes, M., (2012). Marketing Social: Novos Paradigmas. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier

Kotler, P. e Andreason, A., (1995). Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River

Kotler, P. e Roberto, E., (1992). Marketing Social - Estratégias para Alterar o Comportamento Público. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus

Maarek, P.J., (2009). Marketing Politico y Comunicación, Barcelona: Paidós Newman, B.I., (1999). The Mass Marketing of Politics, Sage: Thousand Oaks
O'Shaughnessy, N.J. e Henneberg, S. C., (2002). The Idea of Political Marketing, Praeger, Westport
Quintero, A.P., (1993). História da Propaganda, Planeta Ed., Lisboa Santos, M. R., (1996). Marketing Político, Cetop, Lisboa