Multimedia Games Development (261252)

Learning Outcomes

In this course it is intended that students are able to understand and master the concepts and techniques inherent to the design (design and programming) multimedia mobile games. Accordingly, it is intended that students can:
* Meet the world of electronic games: their history and evolution;
* Identify and understand the different types of games and their respective characteristics;
* Mastering the concepts of gameplay, storytelling, among others;
* Mastering spatiotemporal techniques for game development, balancing scenarios, goals, time and pace of play;
* Understand and identify key characteristics of different types of platforms and devices;
* Know and master the key technologies and development tools for multimedia games today;
* Apply the knowledge gained in the development of a group project.

Study Program


Module I - Introduction to electronic games
- History and cultural aspects of electronic games;
- What is an electronic game and its features;
- Notions of gameplay, interactivity, rules, among others;
Module II - Process design of video games
- Analysis of the various game design phases;
- Study of various strategies of game development;
- Design and implementation of video games;



Eberly, D. H. (2010) Game Physics. Morgan Kaufmann.
Fullerton, T. (2008) Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. Morgan Kaufmann.
Martinho, C.; Santos, P.; Prada, R. (2014) Design e Desenvolvimento de Jogos. Lisboa: FCA, 1ª Edição.
Salen, K.; Zimmerman, E. (2003) Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. The MIT Press, 1st Edition.
Vasconcelos, J. B.; Ribeiro, N. M. (2014) Tecnologias de Programação de Jogos. Lisboa: FCA, 1ª Edição.