Opinion Polls and Studies (261301)
Learning Outcomes
The general purpose of this curricular unit is related to the development of skills of description and analysis of the socio economic and political aspects based on surveys and public opinion polls, in order to provide students with knowledge about appropriate methods and techniques appropriate to studies within the marketing and communications areas.Study Program
1. Survey Concept1.1. Some historical notes
1.2. Survey versus Census
1.3. Survey as a research methodology
2. Process of conducting a Survey
2.1. Definition and clarification of the problem
2.2. Objectives, and establishment of information needs
2.3. Determination of information sources
2.4. Determination of research methods
2.5. Determination of data collection techniques
2.6. Explain accuracy and confidence constraints
2.7. Estimation of time and costs required
2.8. Sample Plan
2.8.1. Define the Target Population
2.8.2. Determine the Survey Base
2.8.3. Choosing the Sampling Method
2.8.4. Choosing the Sampling Technique
2.8.5. Determine the Sample Size
2.9. Questionnaire and pre-test
2.10. Fieldwork
2.11. Data Preparation
2.12. Data Analysis
2.13. Writing the final Report
3. Elaboration of a Questionnaire
3.1. Structure
3.2. The Types of Questions
3.3. The Answers: Measurement Scales
4. Legislation on Polls and Public Opinion
MAIN REFERENCES:Antoine, J. (2005). A Sondagem como Instrumento de Marketing. Mem Martins: Edições Cetop.
Magalhães, P. (2011). Sondagens, eleições e opinião pública. Lisboa: FFMS e Relógio d'Água