Planning and Projects Management (241163)
Learning Outcomes
1. Analysis and understanding of the main lines of discussion on projects of social and collective participation in the phenomena of social transformation.2. Understanding the methodologies related to the development of projects of social intervention and respective evaluation.
Study Program
Introduction- Brief history of planning and preliminary questions.Part I: Planning: processes and methodologies.
1. Planning and project: conceptual delimitations.
2. Contribution (s) to theorizing project.
3. The Project Methodology - an introduction.
4. Planning Processes: participatory democracy; partnership and concertation.
5. Methodology Research-Action: specificities; goals and methods.
Part II - Social Intervention Projects: construction and evaluation
6. Construction
6.1. - Constitutive Steps.
6.2. - Objectives and strategies.
6.3. - The Action Plan - its preparation.
7. The evaluation
7.1. - The evaluation team.
7.2. - Definition and functions of evaluation.
7.3. - Participatory evaluation.
7.4. - Types and valuation models.
7.5. - Criteria and difficulties of the evaluation process.
MAIN REFERENCES:Guerra, Isabel (2002), Fundamentos e Processos de Uma Sociologia de Acção: O Planeamento em Ciências Sociais. Cascais: Principia.
Ander-Egg, Ezequiel e Idánez, Maria José (1999), Avaliação de Serviços e de Programas Sociais. Petrópolis: Vozes.