Political Science (241120)
Learning Outcomes
1. To know the origin, principals and models of State and the Government.2. To know the constitutional rules.
3. To know the main international organizations and their values.
4. To know the differences between left and right and the role of central parties.
Study Program
1. State fundamentals.1.1. Nation or People
1.2. Territory
1.3. Coercibility and Sovereignty
2. The materials State functions.
2.1. Safety
2.2. Justice
2.3. Welfare The issue of Freedom.
2.4. Functions of the State in the light of historic evolution
3. The organic and functional competences of the State.
3.1. The legislative functions of parliaments. The sources of the Law and the type of norms.
3.2. The judicial function of the courts.
3.3. The executive role of governors.
4. The development of the European State.
4.1. The absolute State. The police State
4.2. The Constitutional State
4.3. From the Liberal State to the Social State of Law
5. The British State. The custom, fundamental rights and parliamentary government.
6. The American constitutional system.
6.1. Federalism, fundamental rights and the courts
6.2. The presidential system
7. The U.S. President and the British Prime Minister.
8. The French Constitutional System.
8.1. The Parliamentary Government and the Presidentialism of the V Republic
8.2. Presidentialism, Parliamentaryism and Semi-Presidentialism.
9. The Portuguese constitutional system.
9.1. The fundamental law of 1933 and its practice
9.2. April 25th, 1974
9.3. The constituent process and the 1976 Constitution
10. The system of government.
10.1. The first constitutional revision (1982)
10.2. The second (1989) and the third constitutional revision (1992)
11. The Parties system.
12. Political Ideologies.
12.1. Liberalism
12.2. Socialism and Social Democracy
12.3. The Christian Democracy
12.4. Marxism-Leninism
12.5. Fascism and Nazism
MAIN REFERENCES:Amaral, Diogo Freitas do (2012) História do pensamento político ocidental. Almedina.
Carvalho, Manuel Proença, Manual de Ciência Política e Sistemas Políticos e Constitucionais -3º edição Quid Juris – 2010
Cassese, Antonio, Self-determination of Peoples: A Legal Reappraisal. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Fernandes, António José (2010) Introdução à Ciência Política – Teorias, métodos, temáticas. Porto: Porto Editora.
Lopes, José Alberto de Azeredo, Entre Solidão e Intervencionismo: Direito de Autodeterminação dos Povos e Reacções de Estados Terceiros. Porto: Universidade Católica, 2003.
Rosas, João Cardoso (org.) (2015) Manual de Filosofia Política – 2ª Edição. Coimbra: Almedina.