Portuguese Language Workshop (261190)

Learning Outcomes

-    Reflect on the importance of a correct use of oral and written language in academic and professional circles
-    Reflect on the importance of grammar rules for proper use of the Portuguese language.
-    Develop self-observation and self / heterocorrection
-    Be able to identify and correct errors in the daily use of the Portuguese language.
-    Develop communicative skills in formal and informal contexts.
-    Develop critical thinking in the different domains of the use of Portuguese Language.
-    Develop and improve skills of written communication.

Study Program

1)    Error Analysis
    a)    The concept and the cause
    b)    The negative influence and correction
    c)    Language skills
    d)    Communication skills
2)    Linguistic aspects of textual organization
    a)    Textual cohesion
    b)    Conceptual connectivity (or textual coherence)
    c)    Thematic structure and informational structure
3)    Syntax
    a)    Phrase Structure
    b)    Speech connectors and conjunctions
    c)    Placement of pronouns in the sentence
4)    Textual typology:
    a)    Argumentative text
    b)    Descriptive text
    c)    Explanory text
5)    Lexical semantics



Prontuário da Língua Portuguesa (2011). Porto: Porto Editora.
Estrela, Edite, Soares Maria Almira e Leitão, Maria João (2010). Dicionário de dúvidas, dificuldades e subtilezas da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Dom Quixote.
Vanoye, Francis (1998) Usos da linguagem: problemas e técnicas na produção oral e escrita. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
Estrela, Edite e Pinto-Correia, J. David (1999). Guia essencial da Língua Portuguesa: para a comunicação social. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias
Casteleiro, João Malaca e Correia, Pedro Dinis (2011). O Novo Acordo Ortográfico. Texto Editora, 3ª edição.