Press Advisory (261102)
Learning Outcomes
- Students should:
- Understand journalism as a social mediation domain, in which the news process takes place amongst the sources of information, journalists, media companies and audiences.
- Determine the functions of a Press Advisor.
- Know the the importance that PA has on business communication, its management and the maintenance of the organisation's image.
- Identify the relationship between PA professionals and journalism.
- Recognise the part of Advisors while sources of information.
- Identify the resources inherent to the practise of Press Advisory.
- Know how to plan and manage communication strategies.
- Know how to deal with the media in crisis situation
Study Program
- The dialectic relationship between the media and the public space.
- The journalist's social responsibility and the characterisation of routines intrinsic to that activity.
- News value and event selection criteria.
- Types of journalistic events.
- Journalistic language: subjective or interpretative?
- Public opinion within the media-covered public space.
- Gatekeeping, newsmaking and agenda setting.
- The sources of information. Types, functions and theories of
- Relationship between journalists and their sources.
- Press Advisory as source of information: Advisors' functions.
- Press Advisory's resources.
- Crisis management: performance before mediatization
Principal |
CARLSON, Matt; Lewis, Seth C. (2015). Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation, Routledge, London GONÇALVES, Vítor (2006). Nos Bastidores do JogoPolítico, O Poder dos Assessores, Editora Minerva, Coimbra. HANDLEY, A.; CHAPMANN, C.C.(2013). Regras de Conteúdo, JONHSON, Jane (2013). Media Relations: issues and Strategies,Allen&Unioun. LONGO, Walter (2015). Marketing e Comunicação na Era Pós – Digital,HSM Editor. Maja Šimunjak. (2023). Managing Emotions in Journalism. Springer Nature. |
Secundária |
CAETANO, Joaquim; VASCONCELOS, Maria; VASCONCELOS, Paulo MESQUITA, Mário (2003). O Quarto Equívoco – O poder dos Media na Sociedade Contemporânea, Ed. Minerva, Coimbra. MORAES, Dênis de (org). (1997). Globalização, mídia e cultura contemporânea,Campo Grande, Letra Livre. NOGUEIRA, Nemércio, (1999). Media Training. São Paulo, Cultura Editores Associados. |