Public Relations Strategies (261168)

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an applied vision to the organizational context of the main communication strategies and techniques in the Public Relations field based on the study and discussion of practical cases.
  • Through the development of simulations, exercises and case studies, it will be possible to critically analyse and assess the communication process and its stakeholders, as well as master the techniques of evaluation and monitoring of the results.
  • Provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge that will enable them to develop and implement a communication and Public Relations plan suitable for the organization.

Study Program

Public Relations Concept and Related Elements
Disinformation, rumour, propaganda and publicity

Public Relations Audiences
Communication supports aimed at different audiences

Internal and External Communication PR means of communication Relationships with the media

Public Relations and Public Opinion Opinion Leaders and the PR Professional The institutional image

Public Relations Plan
Define and plan a PR communication strategy

The PR in crisis situation
Define an action plan




X - CABRERO, J., CABRERO, M. (2001). O Livro de Ouro das
Relações Públicas. Porto: Porto editora.
X - LAMPREIA, J., (2003) Comunicação Empresarial. As Relações Públicas na Gestão. Lisboa: Texto editora, 2ª edição.
X - COSTA, J., Portugal, M. & Caetano, J. (Coord.) (2015) Relações Públicas e Comunicação Organizacional: Escolar Editora.
X - KUNSCH, m., (2003) Planejamento de relações públicas na comunicação integrada. São Paulo: Summus.




BLANCO, Teresa y HERRERA, Joaquin, (2012), Nuevas Tendencias en Comunicacion. Madrid: Libros Profesionales de Empresa ESIC. CABRERO, J. (2003), Comunicacion y Relaciones Publicas. Madrid: McGraw Hill. NEVES, R. de C. (2000), Comunicação Empresarial Integrada. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad.
NICOTERA, A. M. (1995), Conflict and organizations. Communicative
process. New York: University of New York Press.

PEPPER, G. (1995), Communicating in organizations:a cultural approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. PÉREZ, Rafael Alberto (2001), Estrategias de comunicación. Barcelona: Ed. Ariel.
RAMOS, Fernando (2006). Estrategias de Protocolo para a Comunicação Corporativa. Porto: Media XXI Formalpress.
GONÇALVES, G., (2013) Ética das Relações Públicas. Coimbra: Minerva.
OLIVER, S. (2001). Public Relations Strategy. London. Kogan Page. ARGENTI, P., et al. (2005) The Strategic Communication Imperative. MIT Sloan management review. MIT:46.
BLACK, C., (2006) Guia Prático do Profissional de Relações Públicas. Mem-Martins: Publicações Europa-América.
GRUNING, J., (1992) Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. New Jersey: LEA.