Public Relations Theory (261166)

Learning Outcomes

  • Transmit the basic concepts and the importance of studying and knowing the variables related to Public Relations, in order to define and plan Communication strategy.
  • Be aware of, understand and discuss the basic techniques of the Public Relations activity.
  • Recognize the role and importance of the PR function in
In the practice PR, recognize the relationships with different interlocutors.

Study Program

Theoretical Foundations of Public Relations

The Public Relations Role
The Public Relations Professional: Personality and Qualifications Competencies of the Public Relations Professional
The main models of Public Relations The PR Concept
Characteristics of PR as a Social Communication Activity Public Relations Objectives
The field of Public Relations

Public Relations Activities
PR, Marketing and Advertising

The PR Process
Essential Phases of the Public Relations Process Levels of the Public Relations Process
Public Opinion training Processes

Public and Public Opinion
In-house Public External Public
PR as an Institutional Communication Tool Integrated Communication Theory Integrated Marketing Communication

International PR
The concept of international public relations

Professional ethics and deontology in Public Relations




CABRERO, J., CABRERO, M. (2001). O Livro de Ouro das
Relações Públicas. Porto: Porto editora.

LAMPREIA, J., (2003) Comunicação Empresarial. As Relações Públicas na Gestão. Lisboa: Texto editora, 2ª edição.

COSTA, J., Portugal, M. & Caetano, J. (Coord.) (2015) Relações Públicas e Comunicação Organizacional: Escolar Editora.

KUNSCH, m., (2003) Planejamento de relações públicas na comunicação integrada. São Paulo: Summus.








BLANCO, Teresa y HERRERA, Joaquin, (2012), Nuevas Tendencias en Comunicacion. Madrid: Libros Profesionales de Empresa ESIC.

CABRERO, J. (2003), Comunicacion y Relaciones Publicas. Madrid: McGraw Hill. NEVES, R. de C. (2000), Comunicação Empresarial Integrada. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad.

NICOTERA, A. M. (1995), Conflict and organizations. Communicative process. New York: University of New York Press.

PEPPER, G. (1995), Communicating in organizations:a cultural approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. PÉREZ, Rafael Alberto (2001), Estrategias de comunicación. Barcelona: Ed. Ariel.

RAMOS, Fernando (2006). Estrategias de Protocolo para a Comunicação Corporativa. Porto: Media XXI Formalpress.

GONÇALVES, G., (2013) Ética das Relações Públicas. Coimbra: Minerva.

OLIVER, S. (2001). Public Relations Strategy. London. Kogan Page.

ARGENTI, P., et al. (2005) The Strategic Communication Imperative. MIT Sloan management review. MIT:46.

BLACK, C., (2006) Guia Prático do Profissional de Relações Públicas. Mem-Martins: Publicações Europa-América.

GRUNING, J., (1992) Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. New Jersey: LEA.