Research in Social Work (241072)
Learning Outcomes
* Understanding of the processes of knowledge production and Research in Social Work;* Enabling the study of knowledge of scientific production at national level and international research in Social Work;
* To support students with application of knowledge concerning research in Social Sciences and Social Work in particular through preparation of a research project, with a reflection from this area of knowledge
Study Program
I - Production of Knowledge and Research in Social Work1. Nature of Social Work and the meaning of knowledge and research
2. The place assigned to the Portuguese Social Work by the Science and Technology Foundation as a scientific domain and the creation of the Scientific Society in Social Work
3. The place of research in social work training
4. Professional practice, Research in Social Work and construction knowledge
5. The investigative dimension in professional practice
6. Critical Thinking, Social Sciences, Social Services and production knowledge
7. Lines of research and trends in Social Work
8. Ethics and research in Social Work
II - Construction of the research project in Social Work
1. Elaboration of the research project
2. Development of the project
3. Preparation of the report and dissemination of results
III - Types and theoretical- methodological research strategies in Social Work
1. Approaches of quantitative and qualitative;
1.1. Socio-historical studies
1.2. Surveys
1.3. Evaluative research
1.4. Case study
1.5. Action research
1.6. Ethnographic research
1.7. Other approaches and types of research
MAIN REFERENCES:BAPTISTA, Myrian Veras (2001). A investigação na prática profissional. Investigação em Serviço Social. Lisboa/S. Paulo: CPIHTS-Veras Editora, pp. 31- 48.
GUERRA, Y. (2009). A dimensão investigativa no exercício profissional. Serviço Social. Direitos Sociais e Competências Profissionais. Brasília: CFESS, ABEPSS, pp. 701- 717.
GUERRA, Y.; CARRARA, V.; MARTINS, A.; BLANCO, F.; CLARAMUNT, A.; MOLINA, R. (2020). Rede Iberoamericana de Investigação em Serviço Social: particularidades, tendências e desafios da pesquisa no Brasil, Costa Rica, Espanha, Portugal e Uruguai. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Assistentes Sociais. v. 16 n. 1 (2019): Congresso Brasileiro de Assistentes Sociais
MARTINS, A.; TOMÉ, M. R. (2019). Neoliberalismo e Serviço Social Português: impactos de Bolonha e das políticas de austeridade na formação e no trabalho. In: (Org.) Yazbek, C.; Iamamoto, M.V., Serviço Social na História. América Latina, África e Europa. São Paulo, Brasil: Cortez Editora, p. 384-409.
MARTINS, A. (2008). Investigação em Serviço Social no Portugal contemporâneo: paradoxos e desafios, Locus Soci@l. Revista de Serviço Social, Política Social & Sociedade, Centro de Estudos de Serviço Social e Sociologia, da UCP, nº 1. pp. 32-47.
THYER, B. A. (coord) (2001). The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications