Social Economy (241165)
Learning Outcomes
* Critically contextualize the concept of the social economy* Relate the economic theories about the social economy
* Understand the role of the social economy in the contemporary societies
* Recognize and critically discuss the role of the social economy in Portugal
* Understand the specificities and articulations of the social economy regimes in Europe
* Discuss the role of the social economy in the context of crisis and austerity
* Critically contextualize alternative scenarios for the future of the social economy
Study Program
1. The conceptual delimitation of the social economy2. The economic framework of the social economy
3. The social economy in Europe
4. The social economy in Portugal
5. Perspectives about the future of the social economy
MAIN REFERENCESAlmeida, Vasco (2011), As Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social. Governação e terceiro sector. Coimbra: Editora Almedina.
Santos, Elisabete et al (2015), O impacto social e institucional da crise económica e financeira nas organizações do terceiro sector. EAPN, Portugal.
Mendes, Américo; Pinto, Filipe (2018), Importância Económica e Social das IPSS em Portugal, Porto: CNIS.