Social History and Contemporary Politics (241118)
Learning Outcomes
Understanding and problematizing the significant socio-political processes of the contemporary era in Europe and Portugal: from bourgeois revolutions to post-World War II democracies. With regard to Portugal, it is essential to know the main milestones in the social and political history of the 20th century.Thus, it is intended:
- the understanding of the social and political changes that took place from the bourgeois revolutions and the European centrality of the second half of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th century;
- the characterization of socio-political and cultural changes resulting from the 1st World War and the rise of fascisms;
- addressing the main social and political changes that occurred after the Second World War;
- the identification and analysis of the main socio-historical processes that marked Portugal in the 20th century.
Study Program
Introduction: Contemporary historyModule I - From the 18th century bourgeois revolutions to the 20th century Western Democracies
1. The French and industrial revolution
2. The Social Question, liberalism and socialisms and proposals for the transformation of capitalism.
Module II - The transformations of the first decades of the 20th century
1. Europe before the First World War.
1.1. The great powers
1.2. Alliances between great powers
1.3. The colonial imperialism
2. The consequences of the first world war
2.1. Europe weakened – the demographic consequences, financial and materials.
2.2. The peace treaties.
2.3. The League of Nations.
Module III - Fascisms and the Second World War
1. The Fascism in Italy
2. The New State (Estado Novo) in Portugal
3. The specific German case: the Nazism
3.1. Germany during the 30s
3.2. Adolf Hitler’s profile. His rise to power. The strength of his “idea”. Mein Kampf
3.3. The affirmation of the Aryan Race
3.4. The anti-semitism during the nazi period: a coherent project made by stages. The Holocaust.
3.5. Critical reflection regarding the Nazism.
Module IV – The Cold War: consolidation of a bipolar world.
1. The capitalist world
2. The communist world
3. The decolonization
Module V – The Sixties: a Youngters’ culture
1. The demographic and consumerist boom.
2. The intergenerational conflict.
3. Pacifist movements – the hippie movement.
4. Student uprisings.
5. Critical reflection regarding the Sixties.
MAIN REFERENCES:Arendt, Hannah (2006), As Origens do Totalitarismo. Lisboa Publicações Dom Quixote, (2ª ed.).
Bebiano, Rui (2003). O Poder da Imaginação. Coimbra, Edições Angelus Novus.
Carvalho-Homem, Amadeu (2001). O positivismo perante as propostas marxista e demoliberal. Em Análise Social, vol. XXXVI (158-159), 2001, 487-503.
Hobbsbawn, Eric. (2012). A era dos Impérios. Queluz de Baixo, Editorial Presença
Hobbsbawn, Eric. (2014). A era dos extremos. A história do século XX (1914-1991). Queluz de Baixo, Editorial Presença (6.ª ed.)
Kershaw, Ian (2009). Hitler – Uma Biografia. Lisboa, Edições Dom Quixote.
Levi, Primo (2013). Se isto é um Homem. Lisboa, Edições Dom Quixote.
Mattoso, J. (Dir.) (1994). História de Portugal. Vol. VI, VII; VIII. Círculo dos Leitores
Pimentel, Irene F (2016). A assistência social e a previdência corporativa no Estado Novo. Revista Intervenção Social, Lisboa, n.º 47/48 (13-35).
Rosas, F e Brito, J. M. Brandão (Dir.) (1996). Dicionário de História do Estado Novo. Venda Nova, Bertrand Editora.
Rosas, Fernando e Samara, M. Alice (2016). Ministério do Trabalho. 100 anos (1916 2016). Lisboa, Tinta da China.
Varela, R (2014). História do Povo na Revolução Portuguesa – 1974-1975. Lisboa, Bertrand Editora.