Social Work History (241116)
Learning Outcomes
* To analyze the social historic context of the construction of Social Work and its transformations in the ambit of capitalism development;* To approach theories on the institutionalization of Social Work;
* To understand the nature, main landmarks and debates in Social Work in different international contexts, from XIXth to XXIst centuries;
* To know significant aspects of the history, trajectory and construction of Social Work in Portugal.
Study Program
Introduction - History, professions, Social WorkI. The Social Question nineteenth century to the twenty-first century and the Social Work
1. Social Issues in monopoly capitalism
2. Social Status, Social Policy and Human Rights
3. Theories about the institutionalization of Social Work
4. New expressions of Social Issues in the twentieth and twenty-first, neoliberalism and the historic social significance of Social Work
II. The genesis process, emergence and institutionalization of social work in the United States, European countries and in Portugal
1. The socio-historical conditions and the emergence process of social work as a profession in these countries
2. The movement of the COS and the "Settlements" to the influence of the social sciences in the training and professionalization of social work
3. Pioneers of Social Work in England, the United States and Germany
4. Genesis and secular and republican emergency the Catholic institutionalization, corporatist, conservative doctrinal and Social Services in Portugal
III. Trajectory of Social Work in Portugal
1. Social Work and the (re) construction of legitimizing identity, resistance and design
2. Training, labor and professional organization Dictatorship Times
3. Social Work the Revolution April 1974 and in Democracy Times
4. Social State and the expansion and academic qualification of social work in the last decades of the twentieth century
5. Impact of the Bologna process, the dismantling of the welfare state and austerity in graduate and post graduate in the labor market in Social Work
6. Organizations of the profession at international level and in Portugal.
MAIN REFERENCESIAMAMOTO, M. (2010). Serviço Social em Tempo de Capital Fetiche. Capital financeiro, trabalho e questão social. 4ª ed. São Paulo: Cortez.
MARTINS, A. (2010). Génese, Emergência e Institucionalização do Serviço Social Português. (2ª ed.). Beja: Encadernação Progresso, Lda.
MARTINS, A (2017). Serviço Social em Portugal no fascismo: oposição, resistência e acção sindical. Revista Em Pauta, Rio de Janeiro, 40 (15), pp40-56.
MARTINS, A.; TOMÉ, M. R. (2016). Regressividade no Serviço Social Português: impactos de Bolonha e da austeridade na formação e no trabalho, in: ALVES, M.; TORRES, L.; DIONÍSIO, B; ABRANTES, P. (org.) A Educação na Europa do Sul. Constrangimentos e desafios em Tempos Incertos. Lisboa: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, pp. 335-356.
NETTO, J. P. (1992). Capitalismo Monopolista e Serviço Social. São Paulo: Cortez.
YAZBECK, M. C. (2009). O Significado sócio-histórico da profissão. Serviço Social: Direitos Sociais e Competências Profissionais. Brasília: Conselho Federal de Serviço Social e Associação Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Serviço Social. pp. 125- 141.