Methodologies and Strategies of Social Work (241130)
Learning Outcomes
1. To understand the Social Work theoretical and methodological path in the context of the socio-political transformations in the contemporary world;2. To approach the classical methodology and the SS post-reconcetualization, in the context of the relations with the main matrices of social thought;
3. To analyze and understand the main lines of debate on the theoretical, methodological and operational dimension of Social Work, in line with the complexity of contemporary realities;
4. To reflect on the strategic-political dimension of Social Work in different settings of professional activity;
5. To analyze SS methodologies in the current socio-temporal context marked by the complexity and unpredictability of social risks.
6. Diagnose, interpret and build a social intervention strategy in a specific context and/or singular target group.
Study Program
Clarification of concepts:Methodologies and strategies in Social Work intervention; Theory/Practice Relationship - an eclectic perspective; Reflective practice
The Reflective Practice:
* An ethical professional action and the complexity of social problems
* Use of a diary to encourage ethical reflection during the internship
* Analysis of practical cases
Social work and postmodern society: the challenges of risk society
* Regulation Vs Emancipation: analysis based on methodologies and strategies
Sustainability strategies in the Third Sector:
* Third sector management and organization
* Social Entrepreneurship and social innovation
* The solidarity economy and the global economy: short notes
* Applications / financing lines: Portugal Social Innovation; Private financing
* lines, in the light of corporate social responsibility, at national level
Emerging themes - urgent responses
* Social Work Intervention and COVID 19 pandemic
* Cooperation and Development
o The United Nations Millennium Development Goals
o Refugees and irregular migrants - UN and EU (World Café)
* Green Social Work
o Social and environmental sustainability
* Social Work and Spirituality
o A holistic perspective
o Mindfulness practice - the spiritual dimension of the human being and the relationship with the theory centered in the person (Humanistic person-centered practice)
Intervention Methodologies and Strategies (application of theory to practice and professional action):
* Integrated Attendance Methodologies:
o Cases Management
o Network Intervention (systemic and ecological model)
* Crisis intervention (natural disasters, armed conflicts, refugee crisis,
o individualized care)
* Empowerment and anti oppressive practice and power Advocacy and
o human Rights
* Community and multicultural intervention
o Social Mediation
o Intervention through art and other good practices intervention
* Participatory strategies: Photovoice; Brainstorming; Design Thinking;
o Focus Group; Delphi Survey; Storyboard; World Café; Community of
o practice; Supervision; Digital strategies (Padlet, Trello)
MAIN REFERENCES:Carvalho, M.I. & Pinto (Coor.), C. (2014). Serviço Social: Teorias e Práticas. Lisboa: Pactor, pp. 27-56.
De Robertis, C. (2011). Metodologia da Intervenção em Trabalho Social. Porto: Porto Editora.
Payne, M. (2002). Teoria do Trabalho Social Moderno. Coimbra: Quarteto.
Viscarret, J. (2007). Modelos e Métodos de Intervenção Social. Madrid: Alianza.