Social Work, Social Security and Local Government (241123)
Learning Outcomes
* Provide a theoretical/empirical knowledge about areas of professional practice;* Develop an analysis and reflection of mediations present mediately in professional work;
* Reflection on the possibilities of action of social workers to improve the future professional performance;
* Analyze thoughtfully the professional practice in the spheres of local and social security;
Study Program
I - Professional Practice in Municipal Context1 - The Local Authorities in Portugal;
1.1 - Role and Local Government Skills: Its Influence on the Role of Local Authorities in the Social Sector;
1.1.1. - Local Government: What We talk?
1.1.2 - Duties and Powers;
1.1.3 – Legal Possibilities: Municipal Intervention in the Social Sphere (Social Action, Health, Education and Housing);
2 – Local Social Work: Realities;
2.1 – The Emergence of Social Work in Local Authorities;
2.2 – Delimitation of the Professional Area;
2.3 - Functional content of services and practice experience;
2.4 - Professional Practice, the Importance to the Conquest of Professional Space: Tension between technique and policy spheres;
2.5 – Mediations Present in the Relation Client / Social Worker / Municipality;
II - The Social Work in the Context of Social Security
1 - Social Work and Social Policies: Practice Constraints Due to the Retraction of the State;
2 - Cabinet of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security;
2.1 - Nature and duties;
2.2 - Organic and Skills Framework;
3 - Areas of Intervention of Social Work;
3.1 - Children and Youth;
3.2 - Social Responses;
3.3 - Social Intervention;
MAIN REFERENCES:MENEZES, Manuel (2002). Serviço Social Autárquico e Cidadania: A Experiência da Região Centro. Coimbra, Editora Quarteto.
NEVES, Ilídio das (1993). A Segurança Social Portuguesa. Problemas, Realidades e Perspectivas. Lisboa, Universidade Internacional, Colecção Estudos, 130 pp.