Social Work Theories and Models (241066)

Learning Outcomes

- Learn about the importance of theory for the qualification and sustainability of the professional practice of social workers;
- Empower students with the knowledge necessary to refer to professional practice in terms of models of professional intervention;
- Enable students to the heterogeneity of the professional practice of social work.

Study Program

1 – Introduction: Social Sciences and Social Work: Complex Relations;
2 – The Relation Between Theory and Practice in Social Work;
3 – The Syncretic Structure of Social Work;
      3.1 – The Appearance of Social Work as a Profession;
      3.2 – Syncretic Structure of Social Work;
4 – Theoretical analyzes: From the Classical Theories to the Contemporary Theories of Social Work;
5 – The Empowerment as a Professional Practice Model;
      5.1 – Approximations to the Concept;
      5.2 – Who exercises the Power;
      5.3 – How individuals become powerless;
      5.4 – The Nature and Practice of Empowerment;



PAYNE, Malcolm (1991) Teoria do Trabalho Social Moderno (or. Modern Social Work Theory. A Critical Introduction). Coimbra, Quarteto (2002), 473 pp.
VISCARRET, Juan Jesús (2007). Modelos e Métodos de Intervenção Social. Madrid, Alianza.