Statistics Applied to Social Science (241155)
Learning Outcomes
Acquiring the fundamental non-parametric tests, knowledge/use of the most common tests in the area of Social Sciences.Acquiring a proficiency level to use statistical software (SPSS, statistical Package for Social Sciences), without, however, neglecting the underlying conceptual methodology of statistical techniques.
Study Program
1. Statistic outliers and graphic representations.2. Kolmogorov-smimov and shapiro-wilk-tests.
3. Parametric versus Nonparametric Statistics – Differences
4. Statistical techniques to explore relationships among variables and Statistical techniques to compare groups.
5. Ordering Results
6. Testes Statistics – one sample
a. Chi-Square and Goodness-of-Fit
7. Tests statistics – two independent samples:
a. Chi-Qquase for independent sample
b. Fisher Exact Test
c. Mann-Whitney U test
8. Tests statistics – two related samples:
a. McNemar test
b. Wilcoxon Signe Rank test
9. Tests Statistics – K independent samples:
a. Kruskal-Wallis test
10. Tests Statistics – K related samples:
a. Cochran’s Test
b. Friedman Test
11. Correlation – Kendall’s Tau and Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient
12. Summary Table of Statistical Tests
MAIN REFERENCES:Green, J. & Oliveira, M. (1991). Testes estatísticos em Psicologia. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa.
Maroco, J. (2003). Análise estatística com utilização do SPSS. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Martinez, L., & Ferreira, A. (2007). Análise de dados com SPSS – Primeiros passos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Pereira, A. (1999). SPSS – Guia prático de utilização - Análise de dados para Ciências Sociais e Psicologia. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.