Attraction, Selection and Integration of People (261223)
Learning Outcomes
To provide students with methods, techniques and fundamental tools that enable them to develop human resource planning in an effective way, through the implementation of strategies of attraction. To execute recruitment and selection processes and finally develop practices of integration (socialization) of the people in the organization.Study Program
1. THE VALUE OF TALENTS IN ORGANIZATIONS1.1. The importance of talent in organizations
1.2. The attraction and retention of talents: The psychological contract, the engagement; the employer branding; employer value proposition and employee brand effect;
1.3. Brief approach to strategic planning and human resources planning models versus forecast management of needs
1.4. The practices and contributions of the job description for the recruitment and selection process
1.5. The professional profile’s components and the design of competencies
2.1. Types of recruitment
2.2. Sources of recruitment
2.3. The Recruitment Processes
2.4. The pre-selection process and the candidates’ selection
2.5. Selection methods and instruments:
2.6. The various interviews and assessment center
2.7. The techniques of conducting interviews
2.8. The various complementary assessments and their combination
3.1. Reception and integration of employees in the organization: Seduction process
3.2. The processes of socialization and retention
3.3. The organizational tactics
3.3.1. Reception instruments
3.4. Integration programs, practical examples
MAIN REFERENCESCardoso, A.A. (2016). “Atração, Seleção e integração de Talentos”. Lisboa: Lidel -Edições Técnicas, Lda. 1º Ed.
Cardoso, A.A. (2010). “Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal” Lisboa: Lidel -Edições Técnicas, Lda. 7º Ed.
Câmara, P.B e Guerra, P.B. e Rodrigues, J.V. (2016). HUMANATOR XXI – Recursos Humanos e sucesso empresarial. Alfragide: edições Don Quixote. 7º Ed.
Gomes, J.F. e Cunha, M.P e Rego, A. e Campos e Cunha, R. e Cabral-Cardoso, C. e Marques, C.A. (2015). “Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano”. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. 3ª Ed.
Reed, J. (2015). “Você Porquê? – Técnicas de comunicação para entrevistas de emprego”. Lisboa. Gestão Plus.