Business Models

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this curricular unit, the student should have learned to:

  1. Describe and explain the context that supports the creation, development and sustainability of new business models and
  2. Identify and characterize patterns of innovative business
  3. Explain and apply the main methodologies, techniques and tools to support the design and materialization of business models.
  4. Identify and describe the canvas components of a business
Identify and design an organization's processes, based on the organization's business model.

Study Program

  1. Introduction

Definition of business model Innovation process

Design Thinking

  1. The canvas and its building blocks

Customer segments Value Proposition Channels

Customer Relations Source of Revenue Resources Activities Partnerships

Cost Structure

  1. Patterns of business models Disaggregated Business Models The Long Tail

Multilateral Platforms Free as a Business Model Open Business Models

  1. Linking strategy to the business model

Business Model Environment Blue Ocean Strategy

  1. Evaluating the business model Business model construction process Managing multiple business models
From business model to business plan



Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Criar Modelos de Negócio, Ed. Dom Quixote





Duarte, C. & Esperança, J. P. (2014). Empreendedorismo e Planeamento Financeiro. Edições Sílabo

Harrison, S. (2013). IdeaSpotting: How to Find Your Next Great Idea, Machillock Publishing

Mullins, J. & Komisar, R. (2009). Getting to Plan B: Breaking through to a better business model. Harvard Business Press. Boston

Osterwalder, A., Bernarda, G., Pigneur, Y. & Smith, A. (2015). Criar Propostas de valor. Ed. Dom Quixote

Vianna, M. et al. (2012). Design thinking: inovação em negócios. Rio de Janeiro. MJV Press

Watson, D. (2005). Business Models. Harriman House