Communication Design III (261283)

Learning Outcomes

1)    Provide students with a set of knowledge and skills needed in editorial design, using effectively appropriate software.
2)    Through the development of a series of exercises and 2 projects, students should understand the practice of Editorial Design as a process based on a research and information gathering methodology, followed by a set of necessary and logical operations that make it possible to achieve the objectives. intended goals. 

Study Program

•    Introduction and control of the interface;
•    Spatial organization and visualization methods;
•    Document management;
•    Control Panel and Tool Menus
•    Spatial organization of the visualization method
•    Layout
•    Digital formats
•    Master pages
•    Text formatting
•    Typography
•    Paragraph and character styles
•    Import from graphics
•    Shape control
•    Alignments, columns and spacing
•    Colors
•    Models
•    Tables
•    Export and prints



AAVV. (2010) A Graphic Design Project from Start to Finish. (1ª ed). Barcelona: Index book     
Samara, T. (2005) Type Style Finder: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Type and Color Palettes. United States: Rockport Publishers Inc.
Zappaterra, Y. (2007) Editorial Design. Laurence King Publishing.