Communication Semiotics (261007)

Learning Outcomes

This discipline aims to promote students to develop a reflexive and critical spirit based on determining themes in semiotic studies. Students should understand the centrality of signs in society. Students are expected to be able to understand concepts related to semiotics and signs.
From the materials generated, students should be able to develop a capacity for analysis
on the semiotic system, in particular at the level of the overall communication system.
Students should develop their own research, formulation and presentation skills.

Study Program

1.    Elements of semiotic history
2.    The semiotics of Charles S. Peirce
3.    The definition of sign
4.    The main types of signs
5.    The semiological or linguistic model
5.1.    The semiological theory of F. de Saussure
5.2.    Language as a structure of differential systems
6.    Structuralism and the nature of the symbolic
7.    The origins of the symbolic and the communication
8.    Semiotic applications



Barthes, Roland (1984). Elementos de Semiologia. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Eco, Umberto (1978). Signo. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Fiske, John (1998) Introdução ao Estudo da Comunicação. Lisboa: ASA.
Hall, Sean (2012).This means this, this means that. A user’s guide to semiotics. London: Laurence King Publisher
Santaella, Lúcia (1990). O que é Semiótica. Brasil: Editora Brasiliense.