Database Systems (271142)

Learning Outcomes

This course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge and basic practical for modeling and implementation of relational databases. Thus, it is intended that students are able to understand and master the concepts and fundamental techniques involved in data modeling and implementation of databases including optimization and evaluation. It’s still goal of this course to provide students with the knowledge to make integration of information systems with databases.

Study Program

  1. Databases ( DB)
  • Introduction
  • Data vs. Information
  • Quality of Information
  • Centralized control of data (using files and databases)
  • Concept of transactions and ACID properties


  1. Database Management Systems (DBMS)
  • Introduction
  • Architecture of a DBMS
  • Architecture ANSI / SPARC
  • Key features of a DBMS
  • Requirements of a DBMS
  • Components of a DBMS
  • Redundancy and inconsistency
  • Integrity and Security
  • Independence of the data in relation to applications
  • Examples of DBMSs


  1. Data Models
  • Introduction
  • Files Systems
  • Hierarchical Model
  • Network Model
  • Relational Model
  • Object-Oriented Model
  • Object-Relational Model
  • Distributed Model


  1. Relational Model
  • Problem Analysis
  • Entity Concept
  • Attribute Concept
  • Relationship Concept
  • Table Concept
  • Key Concept ( primary and stranger )
  • Entity-Relationship Diagram ( E- R )
  • Types of associations ( 1 - to-1 , 1-to - N, N - to - N )
  • Integrity constraints and domain entity
  • Standardization


  1. Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Introduction
  • DDL Commands - CREATE , ALTER, and DROP
  • DML Commands - INSERT , UPDATE and DELETE
  • SELECT Command
  • Sub queries
  • Indexes
  • Transactions
  • Triggers and procedures



Ramakrishnan, R.; Gehrke, J.; Database Management Systems . New York, McGraw Hill, 2 edition, 2003.
Silberschatz, A.; Korth, H.; Sudarshan, S.; Database System Concepts . New York, McGraw-Hill, 6 edition, 2010.
Date, C. J.; Kannan, A.; Swamynathan, S.; An Introduction to Database Systems . New York, Pearson, 8 edition, 2012.
Gouveia, F.; Fundamentos de Bases de Dados . Lisboa, FCA, 1ª Edição, 2015.
Damas, L.; SQL - Structured Query Language . Lisboa, FCA, 6ª Edição, 2006.