Digital Image Processing (261247)

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit has as main objectives:
• Develop skills in terms of editing techniques and manipulation of
• digital images.
• Understand the basic concepts of digital image, becoming able to
• process and archive them in a coherent and organized way.
• Acquire and develop technical skills in the treatment of digital images.
• Acquire knowledge that optimizes digital workflow processes.

Study Program

1. Digital Photography Processes:
• Notions of Grayscale, HDR, RGB, Indexted, Binary, uint8.
• Segmentation, Edge Extraction, Noise Removal and De-blurring, Sharpening, Smoothing, Binarization.
• Classification of Digital Images: Raster or Bipmap and Vector.
• Types of digital image: TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, RAW, BMP.

2. Digital Image Treatment Tools:
• Adobe Lightroom: Import, management and organization of image collections; Basic image manipulation and editing tools; Optimization and export of images to different formats.
• Adobe Photoshop: Image editing, selection and manipulation techniques; Correction, adjustments, layers and automated actions;
• Finalization of files (export and printing).



Freeman, M. (2010). The photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos. CRCPress.
Kabili, J (2014); Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for photographers: classroom in a book, San José, California: Adobe Press.
Montabone, S. (2010); Beginning Digital Image Processing: using free tools for photographers, New York: Apress.
Santos, J. (2012). Fotoedição: O Guia Essencial de Pós-Produção cim Photoshop Lightroom e Adobe Camera Raw. Centro Atlântico.