Draw I (261277)

Learning Outcomes

The curricular unit aims to promote experimental processes of graphic communication, through different means and methods where the individual imaginary emerges, interconnected with the ability to idealize and propose different expressive solutions for graphic communication problems

Study Program

1)    Use of squares and circles as a basis for exploratory exercises
2)    Taking a point for a walk (the line as an expressive element)
3)    From literal to abstract
4)    Self-portraits “copying the masters”
5)    Typographic calendar
6)    Graphical Journal



Berger J. (2019) Sobre el Dibujo. Barcelona GG
Nicolaïdes K (2019) The Natural Way to Draw : a working plan for art study. London, Souvenir Press
Wild J, Wild R. (s/data) The Process – A New Foundation in Art and Design. Laurence King Publishing.