Editorial Design (261156)
Learning Outcomes
Editorial Design has as main goal to promote the acquisition of theoretical, technical and strategic knowledge necessary for the development of projects in editorial design field.1. Understand the different communication methodologies targeted to specific audiences and contexts;
2. Organize several levels of information in a structured and coherent way within the page space;
3. Explore various formats and means of production;
4. Be able to design and produce an editorial project;
5. Use technologies associated with the development of ED projects.
Study Program
1) Introduction to Adobe inDesign software2) Introduction to Editorial Design
a) Products: functions, meanings.
b) Basic knowledge of typography: choice principles and adequacy of the typographic font to the content.
c) Basic rules for typographic composition: text formatting, egibility vs readability, hierarchical information, graphic consistency.
d) Basic principles of grid systems: construction and its use
e) Pagination: column width, margins proportion, construction of the typographic area.
MAIN REFERENCES:Bringhurst, Robert (2005). Elementos do estilo tipográfico. Cosacnaify.
Elam, K. (2006). Sistemas recticulares. Princípios para organizar la tipografia. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili Diseño.
Jury, D. (2007). O que é a tipografia? (trad. Armanda Rodrigues). Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
Lupton, E. (2006). Pensar com tipos: guia para designers, escritores, editores e estudantes. (trad. André Stolarsky). São Paulo: Cosac Naify.
Samara, T. (2014). Design Elements, 2nd Edition: Understanding the rules and knowing when to break them. USA: Rockport Publishers.