Educational Psychology (251020)
Learning Outcomes
To know and understand Educational Psychology, considering its theoretical and practical contributions and their applicability to the Portuguese Educational System.To build a solid understanding of teaching, learning and development, and to promote the screening and intervention in developmental disorders common in school contexts and that may be a cause and/or consequence of poor school adjustment.
To understand the actual meaning of Special Educational Needs (SEN), and of the Inclusive Education.
Study Program
1. Educational Psychology1.1. Definition and characterization of Educational Psychology
1.2. Educational Psychology application: School Psychology
2. Educational Achievement
2.1. Factors that influence educational achievement
2.2. School performance
2.3. Academic success/failure
3. Learning theories and some concepts in the area of psychosocial development within an educational/school perspective
3.1. Behaviorism
3.1.1. Classic Conditioning
3.1.2. Connectionism
3.1.3. Operant Conditioning
3.2. Brandura’ Social-Cognitivism
3.3. Constructivism
3.3.1. Piaget and the main concepts the cognitive development
3.3.2. Piaget's stages of development: Sensorimotor stage Preoperational stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage
3.3.3. Vygotsky and the beginning of social constructivism
3.3.4. Bruner and the theory of instruction
4. Inclusive Education and Special Education Needs (SEN)
4.1. Inclusion and school action
4.2. Intellectual disability
4.3. Learning disabilities
4.4. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
MAIN REFERENCES:Almeida, M. I. (2010). Leitura a quanto obrigas: Perfil psicomotor e as dificuldades na aprendizagem da leitura. Coisas de Ler.
American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Author
Arancibia, V., Herrera, P. & Strasser, K. (2008). Manual de Psicología Educacional. Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile
Coll, C. (2004). Concepciones y tendências actuales en psicología de la educación. In C. Coll. Desarrollo psicológico y educación. Alianza Editorial.
Correia, l. M. (2010). Educação especial e inclusão. Porto Editora.
Correia, L. M. (2005). Inclusão e necessidades educativas especiais. Porto Editora.
Gonçalves, S. (S/d). Teorias da aprendizagem, práticas de ensino: contributos para a formação de professores (Coletânea de textos). ESEC.
Oliveira, J. B. (2007). Psicologia da educação (Vol. 1/2). Legis Editora.
Papalia, D., Olds, S., & Feldman, R. (2001). O mundo da criança. McGrawHill.
Sprinthall, N. A. & Sprinthall, R. (1993). Psicologia educacional. McGraw-Hill.
Strecht, P. (2008). A minha escola não é esta: Dificuldades de aprendizagem e comportamento em crianças e adolescentes. Assírio & Alvim.