Employability and Professional Insertion (261241)

Learning Outcomes

The main objective of the UC is that students understand the scope of the concept of employability and know how to design professional insertion programs.

Study Program

1. Introduction
1.1. Changes in work context;
1.2. Employment policies in the European context;
1.3. Employment in Portugal, changes in policies;
1.4. Labyrinths of life and yô-yô trajectories.

2. Employability
2.1. Employability: current concept and paradigm;
2.2. Development of workability skills; 
2.3. The new attitude towards the professional activity;
2.4. The transition from training to work: Organizational realities and individual attitudes;
2.5. Lifelong vocational and professional transitions: current context and future perspectives;
2.6. Reading and analysis of indicators.

3. Professional Insertion
3.1. Contexts of intervention;
3.2. New trends and dynamics of professional insertion;
3.3. Implementation and management of Professional Insertion Offices;
3.4. Development of insertion or reintegration paths in the labor market.

4. Support for job creation
4.1. General Principles and Scope;
4.2. Incentives for job creation;
4.3. First job and long term unemployed;
4.4. Other incentives;
4.5. Application to European funds.
5. Analysis and resolution of real cases.



Alves, N. (2008). Juventudes e inserção profissional. Lisboa: EDUCA, Unidade de I&D de Ciências da Educação da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Lisboa.
Ferreira, A. (2012). “O Direito do Trabalho como Mercadoria”, in Ferreira, António Casimiro, A sociedade de austeridade e o direito do trabalho de exceção, Pp. 119-136. Porto, Vida Económica. 
Leite, J. et al. (2014). “Austeridade, reformas laborais e desvalorização do trabalho”, in Reis, José (coord.) A Economia Política do Retrocesso: crise, causas e objetivos. Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas. Pp: 127-188. Coimbra, Almedina. 
Minarelli, J. A. (2016). Empregabilidade: Como entrar, permanecer e progredir no mercado de trabalho. São Paulo. Editora Gente
Valadas, C. (2013). Mudanças nas políticas: Do (des)emprego à empregabilidade. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 102, p. 89-110.