Ethics and Deontology in Journalism (261197)

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims to reflect on the Ethics and Deontology in Journalism, enabling the student, through a practical and theoretical approach, knowledge that makes him capable of being ethically and deontologically correct in the performance of his professional function.

Study Program

1. Ethics, morals and deontology (concepts)
2. Deontology, regulation and self-regulation
    -    Role, advantages and limits of self-regulation
    -    Self-regulating instruments and mechanisms
3. Deontology of Portuguese journalists
    -    The Portuguese code and what we went to get there - analysis of each of the points and exemplification. Story
4. The provider of the reader and the other
5. Limits on freedom to inform



Alves, Dinis Manuel; Terceiro mundo em notícias, Mar da Palavra, 2010
Araújo, Cláudia; Os crimes dos jornalistas, Almedina, 2010
Bertrand, Claude-Jean; Deontologia dos Media, Minerva, 2002
Camponez, Carlos; Deontologia do jornalismo, Almedina, 2011
Fidalgo, Joaquim; O lugar da ética e da autorregulação na identidade profissional dos jornalistas, Calouste Gulbenkian, 2009
Lipovetsky, Giiles; O Crespusculo do Dever, Dom Quixote, 1994
Pina, Sara; A deontologia dos jornalistas portugueses, MInerva, 2000