Financial Analysis (271004)

Learning Outcomes

The main objective of this curricular unit is the study of the economic and
financial diagnosis of companies. In addition, the techniques for evaluating
investment will also be addressed.

Study Program

1. Introduction (importance of financial information, the financial function,
financial management, financial analysis)
2. Sources of financial information
3. Financial analysis (financial balance, profitability, risk)
4. Information procedures and adjustments
5. Investment analysis
6. The company and the capital market transactions
7. The Balanced Scorecard and the performance evaluation


Borges, A., Rodrigues, A. e Rodrigues, R. (2010), Elementos de Contabilidade Geral, Editora Áreas, Lisboa
Fernandes, C., Peguinho, C., Vieira, E. e Neiva, J. (2014), Análise Financeira – Teoria e Prática. (3ª Ed.), Edições Sílabo, Lisboa
Neves, J.C. (2004), Análise Financeira – Técnicas Fundamentais, Texto Editores, Alfragide
Neves, J.C. (2012), Análise e Relato Financeiro – Uma Visão Integrada da Gestão, (5ª Ed.), Texto Editores: Lisboa