Financial Calculus (271056)

Learning Outcomes

Familiarize students with the concepts and techniques of financial mathematics necessary for making a wide range of investment and financing decisions.
Provide the students with the technical knowledge to enable the field of enforcement procedures and techniques inherent in the financial mathematics, namely present value and future value, equivalent interest and capital measures, perpetuities under compound rates and the repayment of classic loans and bond.

Study Program

1. Introduction to financial mathematics
2. Short-term financial instruments
3. Perpetuities
4. Loans amortizations
5. Bonds


MATIAS, R. (2018); “Cálculo Financeiro – Teoria e Prática”. 6ªed., Escolar Editora. Portugal.     
BARROSO, M., Couto, E. e Crespo, N. (2008); “Calculo e Instrumentos Financeiros”, 2ªed. Escolar Editora. Portugal.
CANADAS, N. (1998); “MATF – A Matemática do Financiamento e das Operações de Capital”, Plátano Editora.
QUELHAS, A. e Correia, F. (2017); “Matemática Financeira”, 4ª ed., Edições Almedina.    
MATIAS, R. e Silva, I. (2008); “Cálculo Financeiro – Exercícios Resolvidos e Explicados”. 1ªed., Escolar Editora. Portugal.