Financial Management (271026)

Learning Outcomes

•    Show the main functions of the financial decision maker
•    Provide conceptual elements related to the financial decision in the company or organization, namely in obtaining and investing funds
•    Provide the essential tools of forecast management and their usefulness in modern management
•    Analyze the factors that drive companies' financial choices. 
1.    Assimilation and explanation of basic knowledge, according to the objectives stated below
2.    Critical spirit
3.    Habits and reading and interpretation of the best options of financing and investment.
4.    Quick and correct resolution of exercises.
5.    Ability to carry out case studies, based on studied conceptual frameworks.
6.    Panoramic view on transversal problems.
7.    Group discussion.
8.    Critical summary of the best financial management options

Study Program

The object of study of financial management
1.    Types of decisions by the financial manager
2.    Sources of Financing:
a.    Short-term
i.    Banking (secured current accounts, discount of bills and promissory notes)
ii.    Factoring (with and without recourse)
iii.    Other sources of short-term financing
b.    Medium and long term
i.    Capital increases
ii.    Other Equity Instruments (Supplementary installments)
iii.    Other sources of medium and long-term financing
Third Party Capital
iv.    Banking
v.    Leasing
vi.    Obligations
vii.    Other sources
3.    The comparison between solutions and the effective interest rate
a.    Treasury and financial investments of companies
b.    Current Asset Management: customers, inventories and cash
c.    Financial Planning
i.    Budget Management
ii.    The estimated financial statements
iii.    Objectives and performance measurement
d.    Structural financial decisions
i.    Capital Structure
ii.    Investment policy
iii.    Dividend policy


Martins e outros, (2016) Manual de Gestão Financeira Empresarial, Escolar Editora
R Brealey e S Myers, (2011) Princípios de Finanças Empresariais, Mc Graw Jill Secundária